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File Components Setup will install %P in the following directory. To install to this directory, choose Next. To install to a different directory, choose Browse. You can choose not to install %P or change destination directory again later. Adobe Photoshop Tryout Setupb Confirm New Directory Error in creating the directory '%s' Installation is incomplete! ERRORb$ Program FilesA Tutorial FilesA Filter FilesA Adobe Setup has enough information to start copying Adobe Photoshop files. aF If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are $ satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. Adobe Photoshop v3.0 TryoutA Adobe Photoshop v3.0 Tryout photoshp.exe General Creating Program Folder and Icons....& Program Files! photoshp.exe Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Tryoutb Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Tryoutb WRITE.EXEa PSREADME.WRI$ Photoshop 3.0 Tryout ReadMeb& WRITE.EXEa PSREADME.WRI: Photoshop 3.0 Tryout ReadMeb% UNINST16.EXE UNINST.EXE UnInstall a Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Tryout: 1.30.167 VMCPD.386 system.inib device( system.iniB. device=*vmcpd system.inib SYSTEM.INI% 386Enha devicea *vmcpd Installation complete. _setup.liba bkgrnd.bmpA _bbrd16.liba bbrd*.bmpA _bbrd256.liba bbrd*.bmpA Adobe Photoshop Tryout SetupA bkgrnd.bmp6 This program requires Windows 3.1 or moreA install.cdR install.525R This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Photoshp.GID Photoshp.FTS _setup32.liba Ctl3d32s.dllB4 _setup.liba Ctl3d.dllB4 abbrd16\*.*A abbrd\*.*A Program Files! 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Tutorial Decompressing Tutorial files into b Tutorial\*.*A Filter Files! Plugins Decompressing Filter files into b filters\*.*A Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ data.1a zprog\*.*A data.1a plugins\*.*B3 data.1a windows\*.*B3 data.1a prefs\*.*B3 data.1a XTras\*.*B3 data.1a system\*.*B3 Program FilesB data.1a tutorial\*.*B3 Tutorial FilesB data.1a filters\*.*B3 Filter FilesB There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Setupb SetupTypeA a TYPICAL a $ Program Files a $ Tutorial Files a $ Filter Files Target DirectoryA b Program FolderA b Program Files! SOFTWARE\a Adobe Photoshop SOFTWARE\a Adobe$ Photoshop$ {2D0FD2C0-B53C-11CE-B97B-02608C8D76EF}$ CLSIDa Photoshop.ImageP Photoshop.Image.3P .psdP FileTypea 0, 4, FFFFFFFF, 38425053A photoshp$ /S b$ REGEDIT.EXEb CLSIDa DefaultIcon photoshp.exe$ Photoshop.Image.3a shell$ open$ command photoshp.exe$ Photoshop.Image.3a DefaultIcon photoshp.exe$ .8bfP Photoshop.PlugInA .8baP Photoshop.PlugInA .8beP Photoshop.PlugInA .8biP Photoshop.PlugInA .8bxP Photoshop.PlugInA .8bpP Photoshop.PlugInA .8byP Photoshop.PlugInA Photoshop.PlugInP Photoshop.PlugIna DefaultIcon photoshp.exe$ Photoshop.PlugIna shell$ open$ command photoshp.exeQ Filter Files! Plugins) DCloud8b.8bfR Plugins DCloud8b.8bfb% Prefs% Photos30.psp Prefs Photos30.pspb$ Prefs% CColorSD Prefs CColorSDb$ Photoshp.GID Photoshp.FTS Setup is Complete! To order the full version of Adobe Photoshop for Windows, call 1-800-833-6687. a4 Outside the U.S., contact your local Adobe reseller. Click Finish to complete Setup.! Setup is Complete! Thank you for choosing Adobe Photoshop!( Windows will now need to be restarted in order to update system files.a, Please close all applications and DOS boxes. Restart Windowsb Adobe Photoshop Tryout Setupb vshare.386R device=vshare.386 system.inib device=vshare, system.inib SYSTEM.INI% 386Enha devicea vshare.386 KPCMS.INI Prefs\Photos30.ini kcpms.iniR PHOTOCD\ KEPS Precisiona DRIVEb PT_DIRb CP_DIRb CFG_FILEa KPPrefs.cfg% CTE_NAMEa Plugins Photoshopa PlugInDirectoryb Tutorial Photoshopa StartUpImageDirectoryb Photoshopa PhotoshopDirectoryb WIN.INIa PHOTOSHP=0xR WIN.INIB WIN.INIa ^.PSDR WIN.INIB Win32s.Ini% Win32sa Versionb System.inia System.bak SYSTEM.INIa w32S.386R device( SYSTEM.INIB SYSTEM.INIa w32S.386R device( SYSTEM.INIB SYSTEM.INIa [386Enh]R WIN32S% w32S.386$ device = b% SYSTEM.INIb& System.Ini& Boota driversR winmm16.dll( winmm16.dll b System.Ini Boota driversb Win32s% OLE2THK.DLL Win32s.Ini% Versionb Win32s.Ini% AnsiCPa 1252% System.ini% driversa adobekeya adobekey.drv% System.ini% driversa adobemsea adobemse.drv% win.ini% Photoshp.exe ^.psd% Extensionsa psdb% OLE2.REG$ /S b$ REGEDIT.EXEb SHARER /L:500A /F:5100A WINB3 WIN32S ADVAPI32.DLLb$ WIN32S EM87.DLLb$ WIN32S GDI32b$ WIN32S KERNEL32b$ WIN32S MPR.DLLb$ WIN32S NTDLL.DLLb$ WIN32S USER32.DLLb$ WIN32S ctype1.nlsb$ WIN32S ctype2.nlsb$ WIN32S ctype3.nlsb$ WIN32S@ C_*.NLSR WIN32S WIN32S@ C_*.NLSR _ISRES! edit( SETUPSTR862R$ Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. 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